Is your marketing really working?

Newspaper Ads
Declining audience
Hard to stand out
Gets thrown in the bin

ONLY lasts for 30 seconds
Easily forgotten

Very Expensive
Not interactive or engaging
Most get ignored

Paid Digital Ads
Can be expensive
No emotional engagement
Too intrusive – a turn off

Gets less than 10% open rate
Lost – 246 billion emails will be exchanged it 2019

Direct Mail
Very expensive
Thrown in the bin, never having been opened
Why sport sponsorship is a better option

Creates an emotional connection
Research shows that people involved in sports clubs are more receptive and trust businesses associated with their club. 84% of club members said they have taken action with a business associated with their club. No other advertising medium can offer this.

Reaches highly targeted audiences
Sponsorship marketing is unique and enables your business to target a specific demographic of people in a defined location, to execute a brand awareness campaign, drive sales, enable a CSR strategy or create an employment branding exercise.

Social media interaction that works
Harnessing a sports clubs social media and digital following, allows a much more direct route to your target customers than if you were running your own social media campaigns. A club of 1000 followers actually has a direct influencing reach of 25,000+ people.

Advertising that lasts all season long
The longer your potential customers are exposed to your brand the greater their affinity and loyalty to it. Get 1, 2 or even 3 years of marketing to an emotionally engaged audience. You can spend a lot of money on one off marketing pieces or for the same money engage audiences all season long.